Greatest vertical ascent on mountain bicycle in 24 hours

Greatest vertical ascent on mountain bicycle in 24 hours

Greatest vertical ascent on mountain bicycle in 24 hours

On July 22 (2020) one of the most extreme and suffering challenges on a bicycle that can be carried out began.

It was carried out by the cyclist Tiago Jorge Oliveira Ferreira (Portugal).

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Greatest vertical ascent on mountain bicycle in 24 hours

The embryo of this feat had been brewing inside Tiago for some time and with patience and discretion he built his event, looking for a circuit that met the precise characteristics for a record-breaking event of these characteristics, the chosen place was Viseu, Portugal, his Hometown.

This is the place where he felt the most confidence and gave him the strength of the one who “plays at home.

” To make it a record of maximum solvency and verifiable topography of the land was made to calculate the levels with maximum precision.

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Greatest vertical ascent on mountain bicycle in 24 hours

A circuit of 3000 meters with 214 meters of accumulated difference in height was established and that Tiago was completing time after time until completing it 83 times .

Made some small stops previously established for the provisioning.

Finally, in the record event, 23 hours 29 minutes and 34 seconds were invested, of which 21 hours 33 minutes and 36 seconds were in motion

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Greatest vertical ascent on mountain bicycle in 24 hours

17.753 meters of positive accumulated drop, having traveled a distance of 247 kilometers and 500 meters are the fantastic numbers of this feat.

The entire route is made on a mountain track and at no time is it run on asphalt.

Another characteristic of this record is that the bicycle was not created or adapted from express way to this event, using material that is accessible by the general public in stores or websites specialized in mountain bikes.

The entire event was registered and could be followed by fans online with all the data (kilometers, times, accumulated drop…) printed on screen.

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