Most poetry books published in greek

Most poetry books published in greek

Most poetry books published in greek

In his own words:

To be clear, I think so far I have one of the largest projects of poetry in the world. I wrote the poems over the years from 1982 until today.

The projects are timeless. They start from Ancient Greece to the world events of society. About 80,000 verses have been written. I have published 160 books, all with ISBN. These books refer to Biblionet and Wikipedia.

All the works are written in Greek because of my origin. The works are translated into English. Some poetry collections are also written in the Albanian language, in the place where I was born, where I grew up and studied.

Poems are translated into various languages, Georgian, Bulgarian etc.

Also several poems have been translated into various languages. I studied philological and legal sciences.

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Most poetry books published in greek

I work in Athens and I am a lawyer for the Board of Lawyers of Tirana.

Vasilis Pappas was born on July 5, 1958 in Vryoni of Agioi Saranda to Greek parents and lives in Athens. He studied philology at Eqrem Çabej University of Gjirokaster and law studies in the International University of Struga & American Heritage University.

As a young poet, Pappas was included in 1990 in the anthology of young talents of Albania, published under the title “Prelude poetike: poezi nga letrare te rinj”

(Tirana: Naim Frasheri publications). He worked in education as a teacher of literature and the Albanian language and is a member of the Tirana Bar Association.

In Athens he works as a translator and interpreter in a law firm. Poems by V. Pappas have been published in literary magazines in Greece, where he was awarded by many cultural institutions, while they have been translated into various languages.

Apart from Greek, he speaks Albanian, English, Serbian, Bulgarian, Romanian and Georgian.

Vasilis Pappas, a prolific writer and multi-award winner, is one of the most important and remarkable poets. His voluminous work is unique and at the same time wonderful! From what I read -because one has to study his work for months- I got to know the soul of a dreamer and visionary at the same time Greek man who talks to the immortal historical past of our place. In his poems, which are experiential – highly confessional – patriotic, philosophical gnaws the myrrh of a sensitive lyrical voice that breathes Greece and moves the hearts of readers.

The texture of his poetic language is experiential, laconic, with references to Pythagorean philosophy, but also modernist references (e.g. to Brecht), a language that often hides a “cynicism”, which is the heartbreaking depiction of a great psychic of pain.

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Most poetry books published in greek

List of his literary works Vasilis Pappas has privately published numerous poetry collections, including: • Evga mana thalassa kai adelfi mou Bistrissa 2017 (Intemational Art Academy, Athens)

• Ennea chiliades stixoi gia ennea chiliades mares 2017 (Ostria Publications)

• Limnothalassa 2017 (Livani Publications) • Akrokeravnia, akrotiri ton chrismon 2018 (Livani Publications)

• Kokkini milia 2018 (Livani Publications) • Etsi zoune oi anemoi (Livani Publications)

• Meltemia tis Troias (Livani Publications) • I Arpagi tis Evropis apo ton Dia (Publishing house Livani)

• Akropoli kai chilies erotikes thiles tou vrachou (Livani Publications)

• Odyssey of another Greece, Poems Α Volume, (Livani Publications) • Odyssey of another Greece, Poems Β’ Volume, (Livani Publications) Battle of Thermopylae.

• Odyssey of another Greece, Poems C Volume, (Livani Publications), dedicated to the struggle of the year 1821.

His poems are included in several collective works. POETIC WORK «ODYSSEY OF ANOTHER GREECE » POEMS (Α’-Ω’) of Vasilis K. Pappas Vasilis K. Pappas has a degree in Law and Philological Sciences. He works and lives in Athens. He is a member of the Union of Greek Litterateurs.

He is the publisher and author of the poetic work “Odyssey of another Greece”.

The work is multidimensional and consists of 24 volumes (in honor of the 24 Greek letters and the 24 rhapsodies of Homer). Each volume contains 300 poems (in honor of the 300 Spartan fighters and defenders of Thermopylae).

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Poetry Collections:

134: Hippocratic Oath

135: Archimedes’ Ray of Light

136: Our houses are visible

137: A stop on the ancient wooden bridge

138: Pericles cannot breathe in this small square here

139: I will set the table for the beautiful Eleni Including the poems (10 601-11 000) 8 additional poetry collections follow (IA’ IB’ IΓ’ IΔ’ & ΩA’ ΩB’ ΩΓ’ ΩΔ’ ) The work No.4 that follows: «Codified satire of Aristophanes». Large Volume ΖΗ ́. The work includes the following Poetry Collections:

148: The Ethical Law of Antigone

149: We put an epigram on your grave

150: The arrival of Bacchus

151: Polity of Lysistrata It consists of the following Sections:

“Land of Sophocles” “Land of Aeschylus” “Land of Euripides” “Land of Aristophanes” Including the poems (11 001-11 300)

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The work No.2 that follows: “Greece is not only the mountains”. Large Volume Ε ́.

The work consists of volumes: Volume 37th: Land of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle Volume 38th:

Land of Homer, Herodotus, Thucydides, Xenophon, Strabo and Plutarch and includes the following Poetry Collections:

126 Some marbles saw me and remembered me

127 Look me in the eyes and you will see everything

128 Sometimes you step on the sea and sometimes on land

129 The Battle of Salamis and the deception of Xerxes by Themistocles

130 Sappho, get up

131 Crack of the earth

132 To dust the centuries

133 Wise words from one old man to another old man Including the poems (10 001-10 600)

The work No.3 that follows: «Sleepless states and tours of my blind father». Large Volume Ζ ́. The work consists of volumes: 39th volume:

39 Α’ “Land of Hippocrates”,

39 Β’ “Land of Archimedes”

40th volume:

40Α’ “Land of Alexander the Great”,

40Β’ “Land of Pyrrhus”,

40 D’ “Land of Themistocles”» and includes the following

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El jamón servido ja sido de calidad suprema, de cerdos criados en dehesas con unas condiciones específicas para otorgar al plato un gusto exquisito.

El Grupo de Cortadores de la Costa del Sol considera cubierto también otro de los fines del evento: que esta noble ocupación sea reconocida como profesión.

Tanto el alcalde como el concejal de Turismo han felicitado a los organizadores por su iniciativa y han augurado un gran éxito a cuantas otras actividades similares se puedan llevar a cabo en nuestro municipio.

“Este es un paso de gigante en nuestro ánimo de que Alhaurín de la Torre sea un referente gastronómico en la provincia. Vendrán muchos más eventos”, ha subrayado Villanova.

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Most poetry books published in greek


A few words about the project: It takes knowledge, effort and time to nurture poetry and sensitivity to choose the poems you think should be saved.

And at the same time it is a valuable instrument that helps the reader to communicate with poetry.

Titos Patrikios, poet Dedicated to the “shadow of Homer”, the special, multi-faceted poetic creation of the great poet VP, envisions and converses with the pre-eternal Homer, but also with the timeless Greek Man.

A noble poetic presence, original that is seen through the eyes of the human soul.

The “other Greece”, indeed, of an inner Odyssey, a work, in the end, mystically organized and tied to pure elements of true poetic conception, an inward service of the militant expression in the space and time of the Humanitarian Greek Idea. Vasilis Georgiadis, Historian – Literature Paraphrasing the poet Nikiforos Vrettakos I would say that the poetry of Vasilis Pappas is a human heart loaded all over Greece.

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Sofia Moraiti, Doctor of Philosophy

The size of the work of the most prolific Vasilis K. Pappas is included in its entirety in twenty-four remarkable volumes-historical stations with the very original title

“Odyssey of another Greece” (Odysseia mias Elladas allis).

As a modern Odysseus he travels us through time with his poetic pen. A trip to every city in Greece as the cradle of Hellenism abroad.

Vasiliki Karatasiou – Tsioli, philologist, litterateur, General Secretary of the Union of Literary Writers of Larissa Vasilis Pappas with his poetry and his indirect references to the elements and symbols of the greatness of the Greek patriotic land, nature, ancient Greek culture, Byzantium, the East and the West, becomes a contemporary philosopher who intertwines with the historical past and the present and promising a hopeful future.

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Sofia Skleida, Poetess, Writer, ΜΑ, PhD, Post-Doctoral Candidate, University of Athens Vasilis Pappas is a poet of agony and spiritual vigilance.

Incredible imagination of a great personality Giannis Plachouris poet, journalist Vasilis Pappas is a genuine and reliable lyric voice of today’s Modern Greek Letters! Giannis Andrikopoulos The poetry of Vasilis Pappas exudes Greece, in a way one would say extremely sensual, seductive.

Panagiota Mpleta, writer, thinker – Beautiful poetry, comprehensive in its austerity. It contains experiences varied, from the individual to the collective and vice versa, from the whole to the individual.

– Original poetry that speaks directly to the conscious, without falling into the labyrinthine and blurry paths that we often encounter in modern lyrics. Nella Synadinou He leaves his mark on the later hikers of poetry.

His multidimensional work “Odyssey of another Greece” communicates with Divine mysteries. And only the title of the work fixes and irritates every thoughtful spirit to crawl on this modern voice and perform the “Maxima” for his pen.

It smells nice the Greek soul, Homeland, Ideas, Ideals, bravery.

A great, distinctive personality with many sensibilities. Allegorical, simple, abstract, concise, original, semantic person.

Fate and optimism are present in this modern Greek.

This poet refers to Ancient Greek culture and puts the reader on alert to awaken to the future.

He focuses our attention on the need for a balanced relationship between Values and “Size”.

Holds Thermopylae and becomes a model of Virtue and Courage! Georgia Angelopoulou- Mallousa

For any information you need, please contact Vasilis K. Pappas at tel. 6933 157815, 694 6717317 fb Vasilis Pappas , Biblionet , Livani Publishing House, Pappas Publications, Address :: 6 Agiou Konstantinou, Ground Floor, 104 31, Omonia, Athens.

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For any information you need, please contact Vasilis K. Pappas at tel. 6933 157815, 694 6717317 f

b Vasilis Pappas , Biblionet , Livani Publishing House, Pappas

Publications, Address ::

6 Agiou Konstantinou, Ground Floor, 104 31, Omonia, Athens.