Why Official World Record

world - Why Official World Record


Important to take into account that the world records can be made by different purposes depending on the organizer, but the standard is to be classified in the following sections:

PERSONAL (Individual person)

A person who has a special facility to do some sort of act, that habitually emphasizes the other people, it’s sufficiently important to be registered into a list so that remains written by an official certification such as OWR, with worldwide consequence so the repercussion and information can also be spread at more people around the world, therefore becoming more powerful.


Solidarity claims or sensitivity of a particular cause.
The organizations can be interested in doing a world record by multiple reasons for example: to be made public, to unify in collective people who take part of it, to make it happen or by simply becoming more powerful, to make the above-mentioned globally more potent, to become rivalry with other independently associations, to vindicate any social, territorial, political, environmental, sport character etc…

In this ambit OWR has a department dedicated exclusively to investigate the record and to promote it, including carrying the term to a more specific record by the needs of the organization, hiring different collaboration framework, facilitating the organization the opportune tasks of its development.

We can become the person in charge, if required and assigned by the organization of the total event process in order to assume the maximum guarantees the record agrees upon.


The companies can be interested in obtaining a world record to become more powerful at their advertising campaigns or of a product in concrete; In order to give it a worldwide category, it can be gained in time by obtaining a very high media force, and a very interesting benefit for companies that have carried out campaigns of these type.

Also, it suits to outgo rival companies in their environment, thanks to the force obtained. Finally, there might be an interest or force of acknowledgment in some specific ambit the company might be interested in.

In this ambit OWR has a department dedicated exclusively to investigate the record and to promote it, including carrying the term to a more specific record by the needs of the organization, hiring different collaboration framework, facilitating the organization the opportune tasks of its development.
We can become the person in charge, if required and assigned by the organization, of the total event process in order to assume the maximum guarantees the record agrees upon and interests to the company.

First of all, in order to have a world record is needed to have clear whether it has been done before, to study well the minimum objective needed to improve the current one, or on the contrary, if it is the first time to do an act of these characteristics.

You will be able to know it by checking on the record at OWR website, in the categories you might it can be. If there is not any registered you can be the first one to enrol the record and this will give you the privilege if someone obtains a higher result, in this category you will always be mentioned in the website and in the annual book, as you were the first one in opening the scoreboard and obtaining the first result of this concrete act.

Once you know the category where your record will have to go, a questionnaire attached on this page will have to be filled in, apart from the personal data, the organization or the business will also have to include a detailed explanation of the record, as for the facts, location as well as the maximum information possible to facilitate our work of acceptance.

OWR holds responsible for replaying your e-mail in 48 hours, local holidays not included.


Once the first informing e-mail is sent to our organization, there will be an answer in a maximum time limit of 48 hours, reporting the acceptance or not of the act, the rates of payment at the current time and more details of the ephemerid if needed. We will inform about the steps to follow, and the beginning of our contribution and monitoring, which will always be personalized in all the cases and record.
Once you have over gone these steps, OWR will provide the logos and OWR material in order to begin the maximum disclosure and publicity of your act in the ambit of interest, showing that you have all our support and contribution, which will be guaranteed by our certificate provided on-line.
It will show and guarantee wherever you want the attempt be followed and certified by OWR if at the end it happens, all will already be legal and registered in our list of world record.

Finally, the framed high quality official certificate and trophy will be issued, along with several copies, so that you can have at your disposition the official written evidence of the march of the event.